Just When You Thought

We’ve survived some tough years and so many precious times
we’ve lived through all the tears and so much meeting of the minds
you were my rock and I your shoulder to cry on
we had each others’ backs, we made each other strong

But now you’re far far away
and I don’t know how to reach you
you have left the arena where we played
You’ve gone far far away
though I can still reach out and touch you
You can’t feel it any more, you don’t see me

Just when you thought you knew someone
they let you down, they leave you lost
just when you thought they’d turn to you
they close their minds, don’t count the cost
Just when you thought your life was smooth
You were wrong wrong wrong

I’m not sure just what happened, you’re so distant from me now
Our eyes don’t meet the way they used to before
our laughter and the sentences we finished are dry
and memories can’t wipe away the tears that I cry

It seems we’ve both moved away
and I’ve stopped trying to reach you
you have curled up in your shell, your mind in space
We have both moved away though we live in the same place
You can’t feel it any more, you don’t see me