
My first thought on waking
is you you you
no question in my mind
I need you you you
your love, your grace, your touch
I can't remember when I felt so much

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loveDeborah Mannas
My Tribe, My Family

Centre and surrounding
Embueing and embracing
Protector and protected
In step, yet sometimes conflicted
In me and without me
Capturing and setting free
Creating meaning in my world
My tribe, my family

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familyDeborah Mannas
Dairy Free

If I could have the moon in my tea cup,
the sun in my coffee mug,
the planets and stars in my soup bowl,
it might be wonderful; I'd be all powerful...

But I'd rather have you in me
than imbibe the Milky Way, dairy free.

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loveDeborah Mannas

A two syllable word that has so much meaning
Signifying chapters ending and beginning
In the leaving behind, the albatross gone
In the joining anew, that you now belong

Lanyard - my hiatus ends

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Deborah Mannas

I know I must go
we've barely met and I must leave
my new life must needs take me far
though in this time we've come to care
and used the weeks like they were years

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Deborah Mannas
Feel the Burn

There is an alternative form of fun
from waking up to run
which could be quite interesting
generating similar heat and friction
but goes quite easy on the shoes
when a different sort of rubber's used

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humourDeborah Mannas